Monday, February 11, 2008


Now that the blog is up and running and people are (hopefully) checking it out, I wanted to take a quick look back at the history of some of the key points of the blog before I move forward.

The url: Chicks Dig the Long Balll

Is a phrase that comes from the greatest sports commerical ever made starring Billerica's finest - Tommy Glavine.

Little did people know at the time that "it wasn't really the shoes", that it was B12 and Lidocaine (oh wait that's Roger Clemens excuse) injections that everyone was getting.

Some of the great lines:

Hey!!, we got Cy Young winners over here.

C'mon Alice

Step into it!!!

The best line comes at the very end.

The Blogs' Title: Awkward Mornings Beat Boring Nights

Is the title of a t-shirt that I bought a couple of months back (see top right corner) of picture.

The Blog's Subtitle: Chicks Dig McLovin

How can Chicks not Dig McLovin after watching this. Who gets the hot redhead and then empties a gun at the end - you got it McLovin.

He's Superbad


Mr_Mike said...

Tony, you have the right not to answer this profound question, but where in the Hell did you get that T-shirt anyways?

Tony said...

Mr. Mike,

I got the shirt at abercrombie and Fitch. There's a couple of net t-shirts that I really like.

"Lovin Cougars Is not a Crime"

"Save a Cherry Pop a Collar"

This is the best:

"One man's junk is another woman's treasure